Caregivers need care, too
The demands of managing Heart Failure can be as frustrating for the caregiver as they are for the patient. It’s easy to focus so much on your loved one’s health that you overlook your own well-being, which isn’t good for either of you.
Take care of yourself first

Stressed? It’s not just you
Caring for a tired or exhausted Heart Failure patient can leave you exhausted, too. Caregivers aged 50+ are more likely to report stress than those in the same age bracket in the general population.
The challenge to your own health
Caregivers of people with Heart Failure have reported high stress, depression symptoms, and poor physical and emotional health. The fact is, you can’t be a great caregiver unless you’re also looking after yourself.

Don’t try to do it alone
Believing you can shoulder the whole responsibility of caregiving yourself is a recipe for burnout. Put together a strong care team of family, friends, and professionals. Then call on them. For driving to appointments, shopping, cooking—whatever’s helpful. And covering for you when you need a break.
Help beyond your inner circle
You’re likely to find advice and support through the American Heart Association. Look for the Caregivers' section ↗ of their website. Get to know the Caregiver Action Network ↗ (formerly the National Family Caregivers Association). And consider joining a caregivers' support group.